Senin, 16 Januari 2012

Monday: Challenge Week 3


*Week Three*

January 15 - 21

The DO LIFE CHALLENGE Week 3 is a little different.

It's all about photo challenges.

I am not able to do a ton of them.  My schedule is way too nutty and I definitely want to set myself up for success right from the start, not overwhelm.

So I chose some of the challenges (out of the 40) that I think I can accomplish in one week.  Each challenge must be proved with a photo entry.

1. Me holding my biggest excuse on a piece of paper while defeating the excuse.

2. My super healthy grocery list.

3. Picture of me and a homemade smoothie.

4. Picture of me in a plank or push upOutdoors(yikes!)

5. Screenshot of a walk/run this week.


Continue with my weekly January goals:
1. Exercise 4 to 5 times per week.
2. Cook at least 3 healthful meals.
3. Read at least one GRE/Grad School book.
4. Juice 6 out of 7 days.
5. Apply to at least one job opportunity per week.

Since I GOT A JOB recently, I am going to change my #5 goal to something new!!

It will now be: Choose something to accomplish on my official TO-DO list.  Anything of my choice.

One of my many TO-DO lists!!

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