Rabu, 10 April 2013


This morning I registered Violet at the public school she will be attending this coming fall.

I had applied to a private charter school just last month, but she did not make the list. 

We were pretty disappointed she did not make it but the elementary school she is attending instead is the best in our city.  We are very lucky for that.

As I was waiting in line with the other Mothers at her new school, I listened to their chatter.  I was instantly annoyed.  I felt mad at myself for being so irritated.  Why do other moms annoy me?  Their talk of their children, their plans, their children's lives... blah, blah, blah. It all sounds so contrived to me.   I think it is because they always sound so proud of themselves, like they are the most interesting, supportive, knowing Mothers ever.  They all sound the same.

I actually know some seriously annoying mothers in real life.  The teacher-know-it-all type.  Ugh.  They are the worst.  They probably have even less of a clue than I do.  But their "act" is pretty darn convincing.

Maybe I am not as good at seeming like I know what's up.  A self confidence thing. This might be the problem.

You know it is probably just me.  Maybe I am a total bitch?  Ha maybe so.

The thing is though, there are Moms that I like to talk to.  My friend MCB, she is a real mom.  She doesn't drone on and on about her kids.  She just tells like it is.  My Mom is this way too.  So maybe its not just me...

Just an observation to share I guess.  I probably shouldn't try and join the PTA any time soon.

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