Rabu, 07 Desember 2011


Sad but true.

I am sort of on-the-fence when it comes to this because I, like any parent, want to give my child the world!  But it can get to be way too much.  We kind of wrestled with the idea of buying this crazy touch-pad learning thing for Violet this Christmas but decided against it.  She is 4!! She doesn't NEED all this expensive crap.  And I never want to feel like she has to have it.
We have this friend W, this really cool roller-derby playing friend and she is the kind of Mom I aspire to be.  She feeds her family only organic, wholesome foods and is amazing with her kids in general.  Anyways, last year she showed everyone the pictures of the items she MADE for her children for Christmas.  She didn't buy into the commercial crapola, like touchpads or barbie dolls or video games.  She designed and crafted the coolest gifts and I am totally envious. 

I guess I am in the middle on the gift thing -- I already tend to purchase Violet too much during the year anyways so Christmas is a day with even more "stuff" to fill the house.


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