Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

17 day diet- cycle 1, day 7: Weigh in day!

I've been on the 17day diet for one week. I've never been so excited for a weigh in day; I couldn't wait to step on the scale, and see my progress!

Last weeks weight: 190.4
This weeks weight:I lost 7.4 pounds in one week!

I think the most I've ever lost in one week was 2.5 pounds. So this blew me away! All my hard work is paying off.

I definitely needed this pick me up today. I had a pretty easy first few days on this diet, but Sunday and Monday were downright hard! I had to use every ounce of strength in me to not go off track. I'm proud to say that my only slip up was having half an oreo. Last time I had a whole, double oreo, and this time I only had half, so I'd say I'm improving ;)

10 more days left on the 1st cycle, and then onto the 2nd cycle. It will be so nice to have a change in the things I can eat!

Today's weigh in showed me that hard work and dedication pay off. It has definitely given me the strength I needed to continue to kick butt.

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