Selasa, 07 Mei 2013


During the past few months I have been focusing not only on my own health but on the health of my elderly kitty, Owen.  Actually and honestly, I have put more effort into his health than mine, which is kind of unfortunate.  A balance needs to be met... I am definitely working on that!  For now, I continue to take each day as it comes, both for myself and for the kitty-cat.

I have changed the probiotic I was giving him to something new, very recently, as the original formula was seemingly making his symptoms worse.  This was a great purchase.  I found a local company that generates and sells the powder in a small storefront, about twenty minutes from my home.  They are knowledgeable and I definitely like supporting my local businesses!  So far, this supplement has given Owen the ability to eat dry kitty kibble and vomit less.  It has helped his bowel issues somewhat and I am hopeful that I can find the "perfect dosage" to give him so that it will help even more.

I realize that he can probably only get so much better.  It is sad and frustrating to me but I have to try, I love him so much.

THIS is the stuff!  It isn't magic but is definitely helping.

THIS is the mucho-expensive cat food stockpile I have currently.

Little Man, as Violet calls him, enjoying the beautiful sunny days of late.

He sits by as I plan my diet for the coming weeks.

Chloe and Owen.  She loves him or hates him or both.  I can't tell.

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