Senin, 16 April 2012


Mondays lately have been HELL.

Violet, hating school as much as she does, has encouraged me to fear the beginning of the week.

Today was much better though, I am happy to report.  I think a combination of things came together to help the home-to-school transition move more smoothly.  Her Daddy definitely helped too, working with her this weekend a lot, helping her prepare mentally for school and for that I am very thankful. :)

When I dressed this morning, I needed to choose something pretty for work but also, not too heavy because the temps today will reach near 90 degrees.  I put on a blue flowy dress and went into Violet's room to see her.  She exclaimed, "Mommy looks beautiful!"   

It literally made me feel like A MILLION BUCKS.  The men in my life say it, maybe my Mum or friends do too sometimes.  But this is the first time I heard Violet say it like that and it meant the world to me.  I believed her and I felt like the most special person on the planet.

Days like today, beautiful and sunny and so full of prospective outdoor adventure, make me miss her SO MUCH.   I should be out there with Violet running and playing and learning.  I knew that working full time would suck for that reason, that I would miss our time together. But sitting here thinking about how much I miss my girl hurts more than I can say.  It is a funny thing: I thought what I wanted all these years was a job that made me feel like I was important.  I wanted that soooo bad I cried for it, whined, thrashed and got sad over it.  I thought that would be what makes me who I am.  Now that I am on the other side I see what is most important.  And it ain't no job.  It is only Violet.  She is a huge chunk of what is good and wonderful about who I am.  I am lucky to be her Mother.

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