It's October now and I feel like I am settling into this fall season just right.
I am loving the cool nights and warmer days. I absolutely love sweater weather and the crunch of leaves as we walk to school each morning.
Just lately I've been taking some nice walks, enjoying the beautiful trees around our 'hood!
Looky see:
Life these days...
1. Well I am SO HAPPY TO REPORT that Miss Violet has had a few awesome days at school! She has taken drop off like a pro and shares her school day experiences readily with us each afternoon. We were quite worried as some new inner city students joined her first grade - one in her class - and we thought it could prove to be very disruptive to her. She is taking it okay though, so far on day two. I hope she continues to flourish though with each and every passing week, despite any bumps along the way!
2. Our kitty Owen has been enjoying a stretch of good health. His loving nature has returned in full force due to this upswing and I am happy to say he is as affectionate as ever, sitting/purring/sleeping with me more than ever:
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