Today marks Violet's first three days of being a first grader:
Day #2. |
Day #3. |
1. She doesn't really like going to school, in general.
2. She has a very nice teacher.
3. She has two current classmates from her last year's kindergarten class (which made us very happy).
4. She is crabby at night because she is very tired from her long day.
This is what I know about Me and First Grade:
5. I personally LOVE picking her up every afternoon. She is SO FREAKIN' HAPPY to see me (and her Daddy when he is with me)! Her smile lights up my life.
6. I have cried each and every morning at drop-off. She is really growing up much too fast.
7. I am having a hard time getting used to our new routine. I miss her very much during the day and then at night, the time seems to fly. THIS is our life for the duration though, I have to get used to it.
I've met a few parents of Violet's new classmates. I like them. Here is the thing: I am such a shy and skeptical mother/person that I often assume other Moms are annoying and over achieving. This is because I've met some pretty bad ones, ones that think they know it all! The kind of mothers that make me feel like I have to have a cheesy Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education to know what I am doing.... That is my personal issue though and not ALL Moms are like that at all.
I am not about to get all crazy and join the PTO anytime. But I am getting better about accepting other Mommies into my little circle. It feels nice!
SO as I was saying, Violet doesn't really like school. She whines about not wanting to go. She isn't excited about going. I feel pretty jealous of the parents of children who actually like school. Mine just doesn't. Maybe once she is there, she likes it. I don't know for sure because I am not there observing her. I really hope she does, for all of our sakes. (And I will be most sure to ask her teacher when I have the chance).
I think back to the last couple of years of preschool and kindergarten... those were tough morning drop-offs with the crying and carrying on. Those days seem to be behind us now and for that I am very grateful. I actually blame myself for her dislike of school. I was a stay-at-home mother for the first four years of her life. I was the main caretaker each and every day (with her Daddy in the evenings when I worked my part time job). I kind of made it difficult for her to feel comfortable in social situations outside our home because it was just ME and HER all of the time. I wish I had made social time more of a priority then. I guess Violet will need to sort of play catch-up in that department unfortunately... But then again, she is such a lovely, sweet and friendly child that I am sure she will be fine.
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