One of the first things she mentioned was my weight loss. She was very happy, and proud of me. She told me that losing weight had no doubt helped my PCOS, and that my regular period cycles were proving that. She talked about insulin resistance, and how it directly effects the amount of testosterone that goes to my ovaries, affecting whether or not they would be able to develop an egg. She said a
low glycemic index diet would help my insulin resistance, balance out my hormones, and help me to ovulate regularly; And she was very happy to hear it was apart of my new plan.
She went down the list of my health issues (Lupus, RA, low thyroid, PCOS), and told me how amazing it was that I was able to lose weight, while having a number of things against me. That was a special moment for me. I felt very proud of myself for losing over 40 pounds, and not letting my health issues keep me from accomplishing my goals.
She took an ultrasound of my ovaries, and said they were "beautiful" My husband chuckled and told her that he always said I was beautiful inside and out. Ha. Ha. ;) She doesn't think I need to be put on Metformin, and wants to put me on Clomid, after I have my next period. Clomid will help me to ovulate more regularly. We will do that for 3 months, and if I'm not pregnant by then, we will talk about other fertility treatments we can do. She sounded pretty confident that the Clomid will do the trick. I'm excited for my next period to start, so we can start!
She talked to us for almost 2 hours. She answered every single question we had. She took the time to break down all my medical issues, and explained to us in laymen terms what they all meant, and how they can affect pregnancy. She is worried about my low thyroid and lupus, so she is going to set me up with one of the leading Rheumatologist/High Risk OBs in the United States!
It was a good appointment.
I left her office with a big smile on my face.
I was also reminded of my motto:
Eat Deliciously Healthy.
Be :Deliciously Healthy.