Senin, 11 Februari 2013


This past weekend we endured a whopping of snow here in New Hampshire!

It was called a "blizzard" and it dumped over two feet on some of our neighbors.   I think we saw about two feet in our town.

Violet was with her Dad the evening of the storm and I was home with my kitties.  We were all safe and warm, thank goodness, and we did not experience any hardship or power outages.

I did have a heck of a time digging my car out though!  It was completely buried.

Here are some photos I took of the aftermath:

A look at my street from my front window, upon waking.

My first walk outside.. snow up to my waist.

My car is the one that you can't see!!

Naturally, I was inside most of the time following the storm.
Violet and I played "spy" with her cool, new binoculars (from Grammy Alice) and the kitties cuddled together to stay warm.



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