Minggu, 11 Juli 2010

Bloggy Blog Award!

Amy, over at Lite and Fit, awarded me the Versatile Blog Award!

The rules for this award are as follows:

1.Thank the person who gave you the award.

2. Share seven things about yourself.

3. Nominate 15 newly discovered blogs.

4. Let your nominees know about the award.


7 Things about me:

*I once had a tic in my belly button! I think I was 7 :)

*I talk to my dogs WAY too much! (I can't help it, I love them so:)

*I've recently decided that I don't think I can eat pig of any kind. I just can't bring myself to eat something I could possibly love... which is probably stemming from the fact that I've been having little day dreams of owning me a cute little piggy.

*I read my husbands ex-girlfriends blog. I don't know why... I just think it's interesting, and I think I actually like it! I'm a total blog stalker!

*I like to see the look on peoples faces when I tell them that I'm 22, and have almost been married for 5 years (I got married 1mo after my b-day)! You can see them doing the math in their head, and it's hilarious! Yes, I got married when I was 18, and proud of it! (although I wouldn't recommend it, lol;)

*I'm afraid of the dark. It's just so... dark! My husband laughs at my little night light! :D (somehow this has turned into a confessional)

*I heart blogging, and all of you! I've almost lost 40 pounds, and honestly, I don't think I could have done it without this blog, all of your blogs, and all of your sweet comments!
Thank you!

I Pass the award onto these, newly discovered blogs! :

Journey Beyond Survival
See How She Runs
Slimming Down For The Gown
My Weight Is Over
Getting Healthy
Hungry For Living
For Real This Time
My Motivation
Believe In Yourself
All About the Bottom Line
Less Is More
Project Little Black Dress
Healthy Stride

Thank you Amy!!

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