Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

My 21 day challange

This little quote got me to thinkin'I don't think I've had 21 straight days of good, healthy behavior since starting this weight loss journey over a year ago. It's always a good day, followed by an, 'Eh" day. Or a good week as far as eating goes, but the gym was nowhere insight.

Taking a month long vaca from my diet screwed me up a little more then I thought it would. My head is all out of whack. I've allowed lots of little cheats in my diet, thinking they won't add up. I've been telling myself I can eat 2 brownie squares and drink a can of soda, and still lose weight. And we all know that isn't true. You are what you eat, and if you keep eating the same things, you will always weigh the same. Plain and simple.

I need to whip my butt back into shape (quite literally). I need to get disciplined, focused, and stay consistent. I need to stop allowing myself little cheats in my diet, and do this.

So, I'm taking a 21 day challenge:
  • 21 days of eating healthy. No junk. Cut back on sugar. and NO LITTLE CHEATS.
  • 21 days of doing at least some form of exercise.
  • 21 days of drinking at least 64oz of water.
  • 21 days of tracking my food and meal planning.
21 days of discipline and 100% dedication = Life long healthy habits.
That sounds so refreshing to me right about now.

To help me get started on my 21 day challenge, I bought a (huge) calendar/planner for my fridge.Everyday I'm going to track my food/meal plan, and write down my goals for the day (going to the gym, drinking all my water, etc) on this calendar. At the end of each day, during the 21 days, I get a sticker if I've had a day full of healthy habits, and I've crossed everything off for the day.21 days to a new me!
Day 1 is tomorrow!

Are you up for the challenge?

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