Senin, 07 Februari 2011

Brittany's Kitchen Adventures- Clean Chocolate Chip Cookies

A few weeks ago, I made THESE delicious chocolate chip cookies. They had half the calories as regular chocolate chip cookies. They were heaven. I can almost taste them now...

To make them cleaner, I substituted half the flour with
whole wheat pastry flour
, and the other half with
oat flour
. Everything else stayed the same....My husband said they tasted like a dog biscuit with chocolate chips in it. And I agree. I can't believe how much changing the flour can change an entire cookie. What the heck dude?!

So the quest continues, to find a Deliciously Clean dessert.
(Thank you for your clean eating tips in my last post. I will definitely be checking them out.)

I didn't have the healthiest weekend ever. We were at a car dealership ALL day with nothing to eat. When we finally left (with my new car:), we were starving, and an Olive Garden was right across the street. So we went. And I enjoyed. Then Sunday I had leftovers. But today- today was good. And so will be tomorrow, and the next day. I'm doing this- I just got to find some clean desserts, to keep me motivated. A girl needs her chocolate.

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